Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spiral Scrapghan

I found the basic instructions for a 3 color spiral here:
It said to increase each rnd by 9 sts. I started by counting so many sts, increasing, counting, increasing...then I figured out that each increase is worked into the increase in the previous row and could stop counting. Now it is so easy. I just change colors when I run out of one.

It started looking like a circle, but quickly turned into a 9-sided afghan from those increases. But it still looks great. There are no instructions for ending this, so I'll need to taper off each color at the end. One color is worked in sc, one in hdc and one in dc. The dc I'll taper by doing a couple hdc's, then sc's and finally slip to end. And do a similar taper for the others.

The wip above is about 2 ft. in diameter. I'll probably work it to about 5 ft.

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